Functionalities and names of Menu Items may vary on certain platforms. For specific instructions, contact the event organizers directly or submit a Help Request to your event organizer. [How to Submit Help Request to Your Event Organizer]

The Converve platforms offer the capability to send messages to other attendees through a built-in messaging system.


1. Log in to the event platform using your login credentials [How to Log In], as registered in the system (email address and password).

2. From the Dashboard left-side menu, click Attendees to display a list of attendee profiles [How to Look Up, View and Navigate Attendee Profiles]

3. If you have Bookmarked attendees ahead of time [How to Bookmark an Attendee], you can also click Bookmarks from the Dashboard menu, to display your bookmark short-list.

4. Locate the participant on the attendee list to whom you would like to send a message, then click the Company Name or Person’s Name (View sorted by Company vs Person).

5. On the Company Profile, scroll over then click, on the Contact Person to open their person’s profile.

6. On the Person’s Profile, click Send A Message to open a Message Form.

7. Complete the Message Form, then click Send.

8. To view, send, reply or manage incoming and outgoing messages, click Messages from the Dashboard menu.